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Blog 17: A Confusion Of Creation From Union: What Is Sorrow Doing There?

Writer's picture: ancakunsancakuns

Most of us don’t think of the state of creation as a pool of sorrow. If you’re an artist that uses skills to transmute pain into works of art then you know what I’m talking about. And even so, this might be different, yet. I’m talking about a sorrow with no external justification, or at least seemingly so. It’s a sorrow that is just there - you wake up and your heart is in deep pain and longing. Longing for something you know, like a remembrance, but with no memory link to make sense of. Yup confusing, indeed.

Upon surrender, this sorrow seems to be a type of potential uprooted from somewhere in the subconscious. Possibly an unfulfilled desire that has been churned over by the wheel of fortune. A desire that has not even been fully articulated within the conscious mind yet, and it’s showing up as ideas, hints (thoughts out of linearity), and very strong feelings. Also, possibly not even, what you’d consider, your desire for something that’s known to you. So how are you supposed to make sense of it? They arrive with this thick layer that feels like a loss or a deep sadness, definitely a sorrow. Is that because they haven’t had the opportunity yet to take form within the experience? Or is it  the sadness of them leaving the great potential within the Field and taking form within the emotional realm? Or maybe, for some, this sorrow is just a fuel, a mechanism to move us into introspection and then creation.  

Either way, there seems to be great learning happening here because deep emotions and thoughts are arising now without the usual external forces through events and/or relationship pulls and pushes. It seems we’re learning to dis-associate the Newtonian way of being and start to trust that a Quantum way is also very real. These worlds are coming together like never before and yes, it’s causing a lot of confusion but we’re also realizing its majestic beauty and luxurious unfolding. We’re engaging, slowly but we are!, with the reality of the emotional and mental realm without proof or need for justification in the material. The knowing is strong even though we still bounce to doubt and that hunger for proof, but then, we come back to trust within the knowing. This is a big step in our power of owning our awareness. This type of unfoldment and trust in the realness of the mental and emotional realms allows for a speed of experiencing life, like never before known (at least to me). We no longer need a convoluted, fucked up mess of the 3D to get a facet of wisdom of ourselves. A simple emotional insight, compassion, and perspective from multiple angles is enough to integrate that same wisdom. When I say “simple”, I only mean it like that because it could take hours of introspection and feeling the feelings but from a unity consciousness, rather than having it play out in the material over days or weeks or months to get to the same balance (or neutrality). The depth of emotion and the power of thought are still the same. It might still be difficult, or heavy or disappointing or whatever it is but you now have the capacity and skill to face it in more “real-time”, on an energetic level, and deal with more concentrated thoughts and emotions in “pockets of time”. This allows for a much more rapid progression of experience within a perception of non-linear time. 

Within this awareness we find another truth about this sorrow - when you truly allow it to be and you float within, you find a grand freedom of creation. A creation that’s not compromised by worry of the outcome. Because you’re already feeling the loss of its inevitable finite life, you can’t possibly lose any more than that. So then, the beautiful question arises: what will you create anyway? There’s just such immense liberation and the clarity of this huge unconditional love emerges and you understand now -  it’s all part of the one heart. Sorrow is no longer labeled as something negative - a difficult and sad emotion. But it’s a pool of creative potential that’s so vast within freedom that all is available, including the possibility of death before creation. We have enlarged love to encompass sorrow within it, already. Finally, we’re starting to understand what unconditional means - the presence of death and birth are there in all things, and you love and you do those things anyway! We can only be in sorrow when we’re no longer in fear of feeling “hard” emotions. We have come to a maturity of the duality of love. We’re holding it and because of that, our rational thinking seems to be changing as well. The heart center is collaborating with the mind and finding a new way of processing - we seem to have shifted from known (memory) associations to a clarification of internal states and then expression. This is the paradoxical (to us, coming from 3D) space that we seem to not only accept but to start moving through and building within. This is the new space of the exploration of the Self - every aspect containing more and more of the dualistic nature of things. 

The data we are able to process, within the body, is truly remarkable and you cannot but be so humbled by this unfolding. Can one ramble on more about this?

I’m humbled, and I am grateful, and I am here!

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